Thomas Jefferson Politician

"No society can make a perpetual constitution or even a perpetual law. The earth belongs always to the living generation."


Jefferson's political views have been referred to as Jeffersonian democracy whose ideals were based on a decentralized federal government, strong state governments, separation fo church and state and stressed the importance of civic responsibility.  Below is a list of ideals for this movement:

  • Adopted the idea of republicanism which "stresses liberty and unalienable rights as central values, makes the people as a whole sovereign, rejects aristocracy and inherited political power, expects citizens to be independent in their performance of civic duties, and vilifies corruption. (".

  • Staunchly opposed the Federalist Party's adoption of british governance

  • The common farmer is the basis for the idea of civic virtue.  They believed these men were some of the few that demonstrated independence from corrupting city influences.

  • The role of the federal government should be narrow in scope and only operate for benefit, protection, and domestic security of all citizens.

  • Separation of church and state is the best method to keep government free of religious disputes, and religion free from corruption by government.

  • The Bill of Rights ensures that the federal government can't violate an individual's rights.

  • The federal government must not violate the rights of the states.

  • Freedom of speech and the press are the best methods to prevent tyranny over the people by their own government.

  • All men had the right to be informed and have a say in the government.

  • They believed that their citizens had a right to an education no matter their circumstance or status in life.

  • The Supreme Court should not have the power to strike down laws passed by Congress.